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2024-2025 59th Season



  • Login to your account here
  • Once logged in, click the icon of the person towards the top left-hand corner.
  • Your upcoming performance date will be listed under Upcoming Events.


  • Login to your account here
  • Once logged in, click your email address towards the top left-hand corner.
  • Your upcoming performance date will be listed under Upcoming Events.

Direct login link:

Ticket exchanges may be requested by email or phone and must be completed by 3 PM on the date you wish to attend or the date printed on your tickets (whichever is earliest). For in person exchanges our office is located at the corner of State and Broad Streets, (FSCJ Administrative Offices). Phone Hours of operation are Monday - Thursday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. and Friday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. *Some restrictions may apply

For weekend performances and day of show inquiries please email us at: The FSCJ Artist Series Box Office is not available by phone Saturday or Sunday.

Ticket exchanges are only available when multiple performances of the same show are offered.

If the difference in the cost of the new tickets is greater than the price of the original price, you will be charged the difference. If the price is less, an even exchange will be made. Please note: Exchanges may be limited.

Exchange fees are as follows: VIP members - complimentary, Subscribers - $2.50 per ticket, all other ticket holders - $5.00 per ticket. Other restrictions may apply; please inquire.

Ticket exchanges are not available at the Jacksonville Center for the Performing Arts. Ticket exchanges may be requested by email or phone and must be completed by 3 PM on the date you wish to attend or the date printed on your tickets (whichever is earliest). For in person exchanges our office is located at the corner of State and Broad Streets, (FSCJ Administrative Offices). Phone Hours of operation are Monday - Thursday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. and Friday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. *Some restrictions may apply

For weekend performances and day of show inquiries please email us at: The FSCJ Artist Series Box Office is not available by phone Saturday or Sunday.

Please call FSCJ Artist Series at 904-632-5000 or email us at as soon as you realize you have misplaced your ticket(s). We will confirm your seating and reprint your tickets for pickup at the "Will Call" window at the theater within one (1) hour prior to the start of your performance.

Everyone, including infants and toddlers, must have a theater ticket for admission. We do not recommend bringing children 8 and under. Please research the show you are interested in online to determine if it would be appropriate for your child.  

Address changes can only be made by the account holder in writing. If you are relocating, please send an e-mail to or a letter including your FSCJ Artist Series account number, your old and new address and telephone change (if applicable) to FSCJ Artist Series, 501 West State Street, Suite 109, Jacksonville, FL 32202, Attn: Box Office. Please note, we are not responsible for items not forwarded by the post office.

We do understand that occasionally a serious illness, inclement weather or some other problem may have kept you from attending your scheduled performance. However, tickets are sold for specific dates, performance times and seat locations. No refunds will be offered for missed performances.

The most important benefit of being a season ticket holder is your same-seat privilege. In fairness to other renewing season ticket holders, we do not accept account transfers. We are glad to set up a new account for your friend(s) in the best available seating for that performance. Please keep in mind that cancelled seats are used in the renewal upgrade process.

We require payment in full by the deadline in order to hold seats. After the deadline, seats are released without notice. Any returning season ticket holders would be considered as new accounts and seated with the best available locations at that time.

FSCJ Artist Series Broadway in Jacksonville offers a variety of the best that Broadway has to offer - including the newest productions and revivals of Broadway favorites. Occasionally, you may have a performance on your season that you have already seen and do not want to see again. You are purchasing a package, therefore we are unable to offer you a refund on those tickets, however you may consider giving your tickets to that performance to a friend or family member to enjoy. Please also keep in mind that many revivals have new directors, choreographers, and set, lighting and costume designers as well as different casts. We find that many subscribers enjoy seeing their favorite shows under different directors and creative staff.

Splitting season accounts can be done if the current account holder submits the request in writing to the FSCJ Artist Series before the renewal deadline. Complete address information on the parties' involved needs to be included with their payment. The original account holder must retain at least one series seat. Once new accounts have been created, only the new account holder can access their account. Please mail your request to FSCJ Artist Series, 501 West State Street, Suite 109, Jacksonville, FL 32202.

Tickets can be exchanged after all season renewal seating has been completed. For further information, please call the FSCJ Artist Series office at 904-632-5000 or email us at

For security purposes, only the person whose name is on the account may access information or order additional tickets using that account number. We are happy to provide additional tickets to any FSCJ Artist Series show for your family and friends, but the request must come from the account holder. All tickets ordered will be mailed to the address on the account. No exceptions.

Contact our group sales department online or by phone, Monday - Friday 10am - 5pm at 904-632-5050 or email

Ten (10) is generally the minimum number of tickets for a group. Group minimums vary per show. Please contact Group Sales for more information.

We accept orders by phone, 904-632-5050, e-mail at, mail at FSCJ Artist Series Group Sales, 501 W. State St. Jacksonville, FL 32202 and fax 904-632-3266.

We need your group or organization's name, contact person, mailing address and phone number for our group contract. We also need the show name, show date and time, number of seats and locations. For example:

FSCJ Artist Series Group Sales
501 West State St., Suite 109
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Show: ___________
Date:  ___________
Time:  ___________
Number of seats and location: _____________

A non-refundable 50% deposit is due when reserving the seats for a group order. If the group leader/contact person would like to send a check for the deposit, the FSCJ Artist Series Group Sales will hold their seats for 7 days, at which time, the seats will be released if the check is not received. The final payment is due within 30 days before the show date.

You can adjust your ticket number either up or down before the final payment is due as long as you don't drop below the minimum group number of seats.

Once we receive your final payment and send your tickets, there are NO REFUNDS or exchanges.

Group tickets may be picked up in our office located at 501 West State Street, Suite 109, Jacksonville, FL 32202 or we can mail out tickets via U.S. mail to the address on the group contract once the final payment has been received. Please note an additional charge for mailing may apply. 

We take orders as soon as our season is announced, up to one year in advance. Orders are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Season subscriptions, and all tickets and additional tickets purchased under any subscription, are subject to the FSCJ Artist Series standard season subscription Terms and Conditions posted on the website at and By purchasing a season subscription, you agree to such Terms and Conditions. We do not support the reselling of these tickets above face value through any means. Doing so will constitute a breach of these season subscription Terms and Conditions and account holders who violate this rule may be subject to revocation of their purchasing status and seats.