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2024-2025 59th Season

FSCJ Foundation

FSCJ Foundation

Florida State College at Jacksonville, formerly Florida Community College at Jacksonville, has long been known for its margin of excellence, something that Florida State College at Jacksonville Foundation has always strived to provide. The Foundation is a separate, not-for-profit, IRS approved 501(c)(3) corporation created in 1972 to provide financially for the educational needs of our students that cannot be met through state aid or student tuition income.

Four of the top five reasons for students dropping out of college are financial, and the Foundation, governed by a volunteer board that is comprised of local business and community leaders, works hard to provide monetary support for students who would otherwise be left behind.

Many of Florida State College’s students work full-time or hold several part-time jobs, as well as balance family, community, volunteer, and personal commitments. Scholarships make a remarkable difference in their ability to attend college, making Florida State College Foundation’s work building scholarships especially important.

Gifts to the general scholarship fund have allowed the Foundation to make education possible for thousands of First Coast students in need. Your tax-deductible gift can increase the opportunity for our students to become successful, productive members of this community. Florida State College Foundation offers several gifting options to promote higher education and workforce development. For more information on how you can contribute, please contact the Foundation at 904-632-3237.