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2024-2025 59th Season

Safety and Security Protocols

FSCJ Artist Series and Jacksonville Center for the Performing Arts Safety and Security Protocols

  • Our website is continually updated and unless otherwise noted on the show page, shows on sale are currently scheduled as planned. A listing of upcoming shows can be found HERE.
  • Protocols are subject to change based on show requirements.
The health and well-being of our audience and staff is our top priority. FSCJ Artist Series, alongside our colleagues at the Jacksonville Center for the Performing Arts, have updated the following Safety and Security Protocols. 

Jacksonville Center for the Performing Arts 

  • Masks may be recommended for certain shows and productions. This may be at the request of the Artist, Production, and/or Actor's Equity. For any specific show mask requirements, please go to the show page on this website for more information.  
  • We recommend that if you carry a handbag, please bring a small one to expedite your entry.
  • All patrons will be subject to a bag search and walk through a metal detector.
  • The touchless ticket experience in the Jacksonville Center for the Performing Arts is scanning the ticket barcode at the entry.
  • Hand sanitizer stations will be located throughout the lobby area.
  • Concessions and bars are located near or in the Uible Lobby (located on the riverside). Snacks and drinks can be purchased and consumed in the Uible Lobby pre-show, and at intermission. You may consume your purchased snacks and drinks in your seats in the Moran Theater. 
  • Savor Bars and food concessions will be cashless. Credit cards only. For the touchless experience, Savor bartenders will enter total and turn the machine around for the guest to put their card in, no signing required or entering pin. 
  • Additional cleaning staff are at every event. 
  • There are over 50 high-grade air filters throughout the building that are checked and changed regularly. They have been upgraded to CDC’s recommended MERV-13.

Click Here for additional security measures.

For questions or concerns, please call the Box Office at (904) 632-5000. We will continue to update the website if we receive additional information. 

Box Office Call Hours: Monday - Thursday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. and Friday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. 

We reserve the right to unilaterally make changes to health protocols according to updated public health guidance, applicable law or contractual obligation. All FSCJ Artist Series events are planned at full capacity, subject to applicable law and governmental approval.

An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any place where people gather. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. You assume all risks, hazards, and dangers arising from or relating in any way to the risk of contracting COVID-19 or any other communicable disease or illness, or a bacteria, virus or other pathogen capable of causing a communicable disease or illness, whether occurring before, during, or after the event, however caused or contracted, and voluntarily waive all claims and potential claims against the FSCJ Artist Series, the Florida State College at Jacksonville Foundation, Inc., the Florida State College at Jacksonville, the Jacksonville Center for the Performing Arts, ASM Global, the City of Jacksonville, the Event, the Event Producers, and their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, sponsors, successors and assigns and their respective officers, employees, contractors and agents. For Broadway season shows, the above also applies to The John Gore Organization, Inc., John Gore Theatrical Group, Inc. d/b/a Broadway Across America.