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2024-2025 59th Season

Accessibility and Special Needs

FSCJ Artist Series is committed to making the performances presented available and accessible to all of our valued patrons.


Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts

Jacksonville Center for the Performing Arts

At the Jacksonville Center for the Performing Arts, the FSCJ Artist Series is committed to making the performances presented available and accessible to all of our valued patrons. We encourage patrons who require wheelchair accessible seating, a sign interpreted performance, or a large print program to contact the FSCJ Artist Series Box Office Monday – Thursday 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. and Friday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at 904-632-5000, toll free at 1-888-860-2929 or email us at with your request.


Wheelchair Accessible SeatingWheelchair Accessible Seating

We encourage patrons who experience mobility issues to call the FSCJ Artist Series Box Office for specific information on stairs and level changes in each theater. At the time of your ticket purchase, please be sure to tell the Box Office staff of your seating needs. Wheelchair accessible seating is also available online and indicated when viewing available seats.


Infrared Assistive Listening DevicesInfrared Assistive Listening Devices

The Jacksonville Center for the Performing Arts offers assistive listening devices for use from any seat in the theater. Listening devices are available at the security desk at the Jacksonville Center for the Performing Arts.

 AudioFetch app

Patrons who will need hearing assistance can download the app AudioFetch:



The Audiofetch app can connect to any Bluetooth device including hearing aids or headphones. If you need further assistance, please come to the Artist Series Box Office.


Sign Language Interpreted PerformancesSign Language Interpreted Performances

Signed performances will be provided for the following Broadway season performances:

MAMMA MIA! - Sunday, January 12 at 6:30 p.m.
PETER PAN - Sunday, February 23 at 6:30 p.m.
LES MISÉRABLES - Sunday, April 6 at 6:30 p.m.
MJ - Sunday, April 27 at 6:30 p.m.

Other FSCJ Artist Series performances require a 4 week notice in order to secure interpreting services and are subject to availability of a qualified interpreter and provided at the discretion of management. At the time of your ticket purchase, please indicate your request for this service to ensure optimal seating locations for viewing the interpreters and the stage. Please contact the FSCJ Artist Series Box Office no later than 4 weeks prior to the performance by sending a request to: or by calling 904.632-5000.


Large Print ProgramsLarge Print Programs

At the time of your ticket purchase, please indicate your request for this service and we will be happy to provide you a large print program for the performance you have selected. You may pick up the program at the Will Call box office within 1 hour prior to your performance time.


Accessible ParkingAccessible Parking

A limited number of wheelchair accessible parking is located in the parking lot immediately west of the Jacksonville Center for the Performing Arts via Pearl Street at no charge. Additional metered accessible spaces are available on Hogan Street and Pearl Street.  Valet parking is available for a fee at the Marriott Jacksonville Downtown directly across from the Jacksonville Center for the Performing Arts entrance. Parking is also available in the Vystar Parking Garage which is located a short distance northeast from the theater, adjacent to the Marriott Jacksonville Downtown for a fee. Contact the Artist Series Box Office in advance to purchase discount parking passes.


Accessible Drop-offAccessible Drop-off

Guests may drive into the front circular driveway on Water Street to allow passengers to unload before parking.  While the vehicle is being parked, the guest may wait at the Security desk in the right side of the lobby for their party.

Should a patron not have their own chair, Jacksonville Center for the Performing Arts Security will provide one and escort the patron via elevator to their seat. At such time, the chair must be returned by an usher to the Security desk. At the close of the event, someone in your party may return to Security to request a chair for patron transport.



All restrooms in the Jacksonville Center for the Performing Arts are ADA accessible.


Telephones / TDDTelephones / TDD

Accessible telephones are available in Jacksonville Center for the Performing Arts Security. TDD machines and volume-enhanced phones are also available.


Service AnimalsService Animals

Trained service animals are permitted to assist guests inside the Jacksonville Center for the Performing Arts. If special accommodations are required for your service animal, please notify us at the time of ticket purchase. All other animals are prohibited.



The elevator to access the main lobby and the second floor is located to the right of the Main Entrance, past the Jacksonville Center for the Performing Arts Security desk.


Medical AssistanceMedical Assistance

Emergency medical personnel are on-site at most events. Please contact an usher if you need medical assistance.


Nathan H. Wilson Center for the Arts

Wilson Center for the Arts

At the Wilson Center for the Arts, FSCJ Artist Series is committed to making the performances presented available and accessible to all of our valued patrons. We encourage patrons who require wheelchair accessible seating, a sign interpreted performance, or a large print program to contact the FSCJ Artist Series Box Office Monday – Thursday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. and Friday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at 904-632-5000, toll free at 1-888-860-2929 or email us at with your request.


Wheelchair Accessible SeatingWheelchair Accessible Seating

We encourage patrons who experience mobility issues to call the FSCJ Artist Series Box Office for specific information on stairs and level changes in each theater. At the time of your ticket purchase, please be sure to tell the Box Office staff of your seating needs. Wheelchair accessible seating is also available online and indicated when viewing available seats.


Infrared Assistive Listening DevicesInfrared Assistive Listening Devices

The Wilson Center offers assistive listening devices for use from any seat in the theater. Listening devices are available at the Wilson Center Box Office.


Sign Language Interpreted PerformancesSign Language Interpreted Performances

FSCJ Artist Series performances require a 4-week notice in order to secure interpreting services and are subject to availability of a qualified interpreter and provided at the discretion of management. At the time of your ticket purchase, please indicate your request for this service to ensure optimal seating locations for viewing the interpreters and the stage. Please contact the FSCJ Artist Series Box Office no later than 4 weeks prior to the performance by sending a request to: or by calling 904.632.5000.


Large Print ProgramsLarge Print Programs

At the time of your ticket purchase, please indicate your request for this service and we will be happy to provide you a large print program for the performance you have selected. You may pick up the program at the Will Call box office within 1 hour prior to your performance time.


Accessible ParkingAccessible Parking

Wheelchair accessible parking is located at the front of the parking lot at the Wilson Center at Florida State College at Jacksonville's South Campus at no charge.


Accessible Drop-offAccessible Drop-off

Guests may drive into the front circular driveway to allow passengers to unload before parking.  While the vehicle is being parked, the guest may wait at the box office inside the lobby for their party.


Service AnimalsService Animals

Trained service animals are permitted to assist guests inside the Wilson Center. If special accommodations are required for your service animal, please notify us at the time of ticket purchase. All other animals are prohibited.



The elevator to access the second floor lobby and balcony seating is located in the hallway on the left after the Main lobby. 



All restrooms at the Wilson Center are ADA accessible.